You have received your portfolio! Now, it is time to decide whether to keep it or return it.
If you want to keep your portfolio, you can purchase it online! You can buy it at a discounted price of $150 + tax and shipping before the deadline. If you do not purchase your portfolio before the deadline, the card on file will be charged the full price of $200 + tax and shipping.
We have different promotions at different times of the year. Please check your email for current promotions.
If you want to return your portfolio before the deadline, we provide a pre-paid return label in your online Senior profile; once you have logged on, click on the “Portfolio” tab, then click "print label." You can print this label before your return deadline.
You can also return your portfolio to any of our studio locations during regular business hours if you like. To avoid being charged, return the portfolio before the deadline date. For your convenience, a countdown is listed in your profile in case you forget your deadline!
If you want to return your portfolio after being charged $200 + tax and shipping and are within 30 days of the charge date, please submit a request, and we will provide the next steps.
For further assistance or portfolio concerns, please submit a request below.